Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The First Drop of Rain 第一滴雨



原作者:Paurakh Shrestha

As I stood there, 我站在那里。

In the middle of a garden, 在花园的中心,

With nothing but green grass all around me, 只有青草围伴着我,

Feeling the cool breeze, 感受那凉风,

As it passes by me, 穿透我的躯体,

I look above and see the cloudy sky, 我望着天空的云朵。

Then I gently close my eyes, 然后缓缓地闭上眼睛,

And while I was listening to the birds flying away, 我倾听鸟儿在振翅,

And the wind shaking the tree, 还有那风吹树叶摇晃的声音,

I feel something dropp on my nose, 我感觉异样滴落在鼻头,

Something moist and cool, 一样又湿又冷的东西,

And as it was slowly reaching my lips, 它缓缓地溜到我的嘴唇,

I wiped it off, 我将之拭去,

And open my eyes, 打开双眼,

Knowing it had come, 它来了,

The thing I had been waiting, 那我一直等待的,

It was nothing else but, 虽不是什么东西,但,

The first dropp of rain, 这是第一滴雨。

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